Karen Stewart
Karen Stewart B.Sc, MBA, C.Med A serial entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in Founding and building businesses that create significant shareholder value. Her endeavors have included: Financial Broker Dealers in IDA & MFDA, Boutique Brokerage Firms, Real Estate Investment Firms, Insurance Brokerage and Fairway Divorce Solutions, a national Divorce Solutions Company, which has disrupted the traditional Divorce system in Canada. She is also the CEO of Trusted Brand 2016 Inc. (publicly traded) and Bumble Bees Venture Capital Inc. a Venture Capital Company.
She is also a best-selling Author of “Clean Break”, a book changing the status quo of the divorce system. Karen has made many media appearances discussing the effects of divorce in today’s society. These appearances include The Globe and Mail, ABC Money Matters, Entrepreneur Magazine, PROFIT Magazine, More Magazine, Financial Times, BNN, USA Today, Reader’s Digest, CTV, Slice™ and Breakfast Television. Karen is also a featured blogger on Huffington Post Canada and Divorce Magazine. Karen is a sought-after speaker; known for her inspiring and informative presentations. She has spoken at Vancouver’s Annual Wellness Show, Edward School of Business, Victoria Breathe Now Conference and Canadian Institute of Financial Planners. Karen was awarded the Woman of Vision Award in Calgary and PROFIT Magazine’s Top 100 Business Women
Shawn Wilson
Shawn has been founding, operating, and investing in successful businesses for over 18 years. Well respected as a creative deal maker, his diligence, drive, and thirst for knowledge are key factors in his success. To date, Shawn’s areas of focus have been technology, marketing, and finance. He recognized the awesome potential of the Internet in its early days, and has leveraged that power to build and invest in a number of dynamic and profitable companies.
Bruce Edgelow
Bruce is a career banker who has had extensive experience in the Energy Industry. He currently is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of an investment advisory firm. Bruce sits on several boards and has extensive community leadership roles. He has his ICD.D designation.